Whih of the following was the most important factor in enabling the Spanish to defeat the Aztec Empire ?

A. The Spanish were able to field larger armies than in the Aztecs.
B. Spanish tolerance of Aztec religion and culture weakened Aztec resistance.
C. The Spanidh were able to exploit the poverty in the Aztec Empire which caused a revolt of Aztec farmers against the Aztec ruling class
D. The Spanish were able to form military alliances with other indigenous people's who were enemies of the Aztecs.

D. The Spaniards had important alliances with other indigenous peoples who were enemies of the Aztecs. The most notable of these alliances was with the Tlaxcalans.

D. The Spanish were able to form military alliances with other indigenous people who were enemies of the Aztecs.

Forming military alliances with other indigenous people who were enemies of the Aztecs was the most important factor in enabling the Spanish to defeat the Aztec Empire. This allowed the Spanish to combine their forces with local indigenous groups who were already opposed to Aztec rule. By joining forces and taking advantage of the internal divisions within the Aztec empire, the Spanish were able to gain significant military advantages. Ultimately, these alliances played a crucial role in the downfall of the Aztec Empire.

To determine which factor was the most important in enabling the Spanish to defeat the Aztec Empire, we can analyze the options provided:

A. The Spanish were able to field larger armies than the Aztecs:
To determine whether this factor was significant, we can look for historical evidence of the Spanish having larger armies. Researching primary sources or historical accounts of the conflict would provide insights into the size of the Spanish and Aztec armies during that time.

B. Spanish tolerance of Aztec religion and culture weakened Aztec resistance:
To assess the impact of Spanish tolerance, research on the Spanish colonization of the Aztec Empire would be needed. Analyzing accounts of Spanish interactions with Aztec religious and cultural practices and its effects on Aztec resistance would provide valuable information.

C. The Spanish were able to exploit the poverty in the Aztec Empire, causing a revolt of Aztec farmers against the ruling class:
To evaluate this factor, research into the socio-economic conditions in the Aztec Empire and the role of poverty in causing internal dissent or revolts would be necessary. Examining historical records or academic studies on the subject would provide clarity.

D. The Spanish were able to form military alliances with other indigenous peoples who were enemies of the Aztecs:
To understand the impact of military alliances, examining the historical context of the region and the relationships between various indigenous groups during that period would be required. Analyzing primary sources or scholarly works would provide insights into the alliances formed by the Spanish and how they influenced the conflict.

By conducting thorough research and examining primary sources, scholarly works, and historical accounts, it is possible to determine which factor played the most significant role in enabling the Spanish to defeat the Aztec Empire.

The answer is in your book. You will also find the answer immediately if you search the internet for Spanish colonization of Mexico. Coming here to avoid reading the chapter in the text is not good.