I helping friend. He need to find solutions to this problem:

h t t p : // w w w . straitstimes . c o m /BreakingNews/Singapore/Story/STIStory_749786 . h t m l

I not know how to help him, the boy seem to be wrong in this case.

This sounds like an issue for the legal system in Singapore, not Canada, right?


I don't know how to help him either. I suggest he see a lawyer.


yes he chose issue for his country. thank you ms. sue for suggestion i think that would be right thing to do.

You're welcome, Mohammad.

To help your friend find solutions to a problem, you can follow these steps:

1. Assess the problem: Understand the issue your friend is facing and gather all the necessary information related to it.

2. Identify the relevant details: Analyze the given link provided by your friend. In this case, the link you shared seems to be from the website "Straits Times" and it relates to breaking news in Singapore.

3. Read the article: Open the link and read the entire article to gain a better understanding of the situation. Look for any specific details or context that can help you identify the problem your friend is facing.

4. Review the context: Identify the main points, key individuals, or organizations mentioned in the article. Understanding the context will help you connect the problem to the information provided.

5. Discuss with your friend: Once you have read and understood the article, talk to your friend and ask them to explain their specific problem or concern. Understanding their perspective will help you identify potential solutions.

6. Research additional information: If the article alone doesn't provide enough information, you can conduct additional research on the topic. Look for other news articles, official statements, or reports that might offer more insights into the problem.

7. Brainstorm solutions: Based on the information you have gathered, brainstorm potential solutions to help your friend. Consider both short-term and long-term remedies based on the context and nature of the problem.

8. Evaluate and select the best solution: Assess each potential solution and weigh the pros and cons. Discuss these options with your friend and jointly select the most suitable solution for their specific situation.

Remember, approaching the problem systematically and gathering relevant information will help you and your friend find the most appropriate solution.