For a bake sale Yolanda made 3 less than 5 times as many loaves of bread as her brother, Xander. If Y is the number of loaves Yolanda made and x os the number os loaves Xander made, which equation shows this relationship?

A) Y=5x-3

Yolanda equals 5 times (Xander's) and then 3 "less"


I'll be glad to check your answer.


To determine the equation that represents the relationship between the number of loaves Yolanda made (Y) and the number of loaves Xander made (x), we need to break down the given information.

According to the statement, Yolanda made 3 less than 5 times as many loaves of bread as her brother, Xander. We can represent this relationship mathematically as follows:

Y = 5x - 3

In this equation, "5x" represents five times the number of loaves Xander made, and "-3" represents three less than that value. Thus, the equation that shows this relationship is option A) Y = 5x - 3.