If the interviewer asked you why he should hire you, what would your answer be?


Apparently YOUR answer is "Nothing."

If the interviewer asked me why he should hire me, my answer would be based on showcasing my skills, experience, and potential value that I can bring to the company. Here's how you can structure your answer:

1. Start by expressing your interest in the position and your enthusiasm for the company. You can mention specific aspects of the company that resonate with you, such as its culture, mission, or industry.

2. Highlight your qualifications and relevant skills. Talk about any certifications, degrees, or specialized training you have that make you a strong candidate for the role. Provide specific examples of how these skills have been applied in previous roles and contributed to positive outcomes.

3. Showcase your experience. Explain how your previous work experience aligns with the requirements of the position and mention any notable achievements or accomplishments that are relevant to the role. Emphasize how this experience has equipped you with the necessary skills to excel in the job.

4. Discuss your ability to adapt and learn quickly. Showcase your flexibility and willingness to take on new challenges. Employers value individuals who can adapt to changing environments and who proactively seek opportunities for growth and development.

5. Highlight your soft skills. Talk about attributes such as problem-solving abilities, communication skills, leadership potential, and teamwork skills that would enable you to collaborate effectively within the company and contribute to its success.

6. Connect your strengths and abilities to the needs of the company. Research the company beforehand to understand its goals, challenges, and values. Align your skills and experiences with what the company is looking for and make it clear how you can contribute to helping the company achieve its objectives.

Remember, when answering this question, you want to strike a balance between highlighting your strengths and achievements without coming across as arrogant. Focus on how you can uniquely contribute to the company's growth and success.