What is the high unweight average in middle school and high school????

What is the high weight average in middle school/high school?????

What do you mean by "unweight?

Average weights are usually calculated for age and gender.

I mean like for GPA.

but there is a unweight and weight average.

You may find something here.


You mean "unweighted" and "weighted" -- most high schools weight the grades students earn in Advanced Placement and/or IB courses. For example, in my grandsons' high school, these are the unweighted grade points for non-AP and non-IB courses:

A = 4.0
B = 3.0
C = 2.0
D = 1.0
F = 0

AP and IB courses are weighted as follows:

A = 5.0
B = 4.0
C = 3.0
(After that I don't know if they're weighted!! Ds and Fs don't deserve weighting, I've heard.)



Yes I must of forgot the ending.

Thank You Writeacher!!!!!!! :)