Teambuilding consensus when team decisions have to be making it is very important that every member of the team at least can live with it. Everybody must have had the opportunity to mention his arguments and everybody must have the feeling that his opinion is taken into consideration.

We have how to reach consensus in a teambuilding , you must try to keep everybody involved in making the decision, in a teambuilding don’t can’t have a winners or losers, don’t vote by raising hands. We must working in a team and explores to ski to the magnetic north pole. We must only choose ten items and we must give the reason of the choices.

To reach consensus in team decision-making during a teambuilding exercise, follow these steps:

1. Create an inclusive environment: Encourage open communication and ensure that every team member feels comfortable expressing their opinions and ideas. Stress the importance of listening to each other and treating everyone's input with respect.

2. Define the goal: Clearly state the objective of the exercise, which in this case is exploring to ski to the magnetic north pole. Make sure everyone understands the purpose and what is expected of them.

3. Generate multiple options: Begin by brainstorming a list of possible items that the team could choose for the journey. This will give everyone the opportunity to contribute ideas and consider different perspectives.

4. Discuss the reasoning: Once you have a list of potential items, go through each option and allow each team member to explain the reasoning behind their choices. This will help everyone understand each other's perspectives and foster a sense of collaboration.

5. Facilitate a discussion: Encourage an open dialogue among team members to discuss the pros and cons of each item. Let everyone voice their concerns, ask questions, and challenge each other's ideas. This will ensure a thorough exploration of the options.

6. Seek common ground: Pay attention to any emerging patterns or areas of agreement among team members. Look for commonalities or shared priorities that can help guide the decision-making process towards consensus.

7. Identify shared values: Encourage the team to identify and discuss the values or principles that should guide their decision. This will help shift the focus from individual preferences to collective goals.

8. Explore compromises: In situations where there are disagreements, encourage the team to look for possible compromises or alternative solutions. Foster a collaborative mindset where everyone is willing to make concessions for the greater good of the team.

9. Strive for alignment: Continuously work towards finding a solution that everyone can live with. This may require iterating on the discussions and adjusting the options until a consensus is reached.

10. Document the decision: Once consensus is achieved, make sure to clearly document the decision and the reasoning behind it. This will help prevent misunderstandings and ensure everyone is on the same page moving forward.

Remember, the key to reaching consensus is open communication, active listening, and a willingness to consider all perspectives. Don't rush the decision-making process and always prioritize the team's collective needs and goals over individual preferences.