I'm starting my own organzation to recyle. Like I'm going to make boxes and boex saying please recyle then it will be my job to bring it to the recyleing area to just recyle it. Is there any more ideas?????

This is a great idea if your city doesn't already have a recycling program.

I'm doing this for my village and my school. If there any more ideas I should add????

You could print up a flyer to specify just what materials can be recycled.

How are you going to make so many boxes? Where will you put them? How will you carry them to the recycling center?

Well idk I'll think of something. I could ask my school for boxes. As for fylers thank you I'll get started on that.

Don't start making the flyers until you have all of these details worked out.

I know that's what I'm doing.

Thank You!!! :)
PS: I'm going to take to my parents, teachers, and principals first. Plus since I'm in Roots and Shoots I can ask my science teacher (she is the adivsior of it).

You're welcome.