looking at a number sequence, I am being asked what the 9th term in the sequence is. I would like to know the definition of the word "term".

"a : a unitary or compound expression connected with another by a plus or minus sign

b : an element of a fraction or proportion or of a series or sequence"

-- http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/term

The term in a number sequence refers to each individual number within the sequence. In other words, it is a specific element or member of the sequence.

To find the 9th term in a sequence, you need to identify the pattern or rule governing the sequence. This can be done by examining the relationship between consecutive terms, looking for any recurring patterns or mathematical operations.

If you have the explicit formula for the sequence, you can directly substitute the value of 9 into the formula to find the corresponding term. For example, if the sequence follows the pattern of adding 3 to each term, the formula might be T(n) = 3n + 2. To find the 9th term, you would substitute n with 9: T(9) = 3(9) + 2 = 29.

If you don't have the explicit formula, you can observe the previous terms and look for a pattern or relationship between them. For example, if the sequence starts with 1, 4, 7, 10, you can notice that each term is obtained by adding 3 to the previous term. By continuing this pattern, you can determine that the 9th term would be 1 + (8 * 3) = 25.

In summary, to find the 9th term or any term in a number sequence, you need to identify the pattern or rule governing the sequence and apply it to determine the corresponding value for the desired term.