In a motion that requests a (an) __________, there must be no remedy at law. (Points: 5)


please help me with this i'm confused

To determine the correct answer to this question, we need to understand the meaning of each option and eliminate the ones that do not fit the criteria.

1. Hearing: A hearing is a formal proceeding where arguments and evidence are presented to a judge or adjudicator to make a decision. However, a hearing can be requested even when there is a remedy at law. So, we can eliminate this option.

2. Injunction: An injunction is a court order that requires a party to do or refrain from doing a particular act. In this case, if a motion requests an injunction, there must be no remedy at law. So, this option seems plausible.

3. Order: An order is a directive issued by a court requiring a party to do or refrain from doing something. However, just like a hearing, an order can be requested in the presence of a remedy at law. Therefore, we can eliminate this option.

4. Disclosure: Disclosure refers to the process of revealing or providing information. Unlike the previous options, requesting disclosure does not require the absence of a remedy at law. Hence, we can eliminate this option as well.

Based on the analysis, the most appropriate answer would be "injunction."