How do you write a good conclusion to a biography about a classmate?

Here's one of the best webpages (or anything else!) I've found for ideas for writing conclusions:

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To write a good conclusion to a biography about a classmate, you can follow these steps:

1. Summarize the key points: Begin by summarizing the main events, accomplishments, and qualities of your classmate that you have mentioned in the biography. This will help reinforce the main ideas and ensure that the reader has a clear understanding of your classmate's life and experiences.

2. Highlight their impact: Describe the impact your classmate has had on others or their contributions to the class or school community. This may include mentioning their leadership skills, academic achievements, or involvement in extracurricular activities. Emphasize how their presence has positively influenced those around them.

3. Express admiration and personal connection: Share your personal thoughts and feelings about your classmate. Talk about the qualities that you admire, such as their determination, kindness, or creativity. Reflect on your own experiences with them and how they have impacted you or the class as a whole.

4. Consider their future: End the conclusion by discussing your classmate's potential and what you believe their future holds. You can mention their aspirations, dreams, or potential career paths. This will give the conclusion a forward-looking tone and leave a sense of optimism for your classmate's future endeavors.

Overall, a good conclusion for a biography about a classmate should effectively summarize their life and achievements, highlight their impact and personal qualities, and provide a positive outlook for their future.