can u help me with a problem like this find the original price: tickets marke35% to $59.40

and find the percent of the discount or markup: $52 sweater on sale for $31.20 please help

Of course, I can help you with both problems. Let's start with the first one:

Problem: Finding the original price of a ticket marked down by 35% to $59.40.

To find the original price, we can use the formula:

Original price = (Final price) / (1 - Discount percentage)

In this case, the final price is $59.40, and the discount percentage is 35%. Let's calculate the original price:

Original price = $59.40 / (1 - 0.35)
Original price = $59.40 / 0.65
Original price ≈ $91.385

Therefore, the original price of the ticket was approximately $91.385.

Now, moving on to the second problem:

Problem: Finding the percent of discount or markup for a $52 sweater on sale for $31.20.

To find the percent of discount or markup, we can use the formula:

Discount or markup percentage = ((Final price - Original price) / Original price) * 100

In this case, the original price is $52, and the final price is $31.20. Let's calculate the percent of discount or markup:

Discount or markup percentage = (($31.20 - $52) / $52) * 100
Discount or markup percentage = (-$20.80 / $52) * 100
Discount or markup percentage = -0.4 * 100
Discount or markup percentage = -40%

Therefore, the percent of discount or markup for the sweater is -40%. Since the result is negative, it means that there is a 40% discount on the sweater.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.

Is the first problem marked up to 59.40?

52 - 31.2 = ?

Divide your answer by 52 and multiply by 100.

$52 sweater on sale for $31.20


oh she stupid, oh you stupid, oh ye all stupid except me!