FIND THE LCM OF (2+9U),(4-81U)AND (2-9U)???? HELP

You're been asked not to use all caps. They're considered to be shouting and therefore rude.

Sorry it wasn't my intentions to be rude Ms.Sue : )

To find the least common multiple (LCM) of the given expressions (2+9U), (4-81U), and (2-9U), we need to factorize each expression first and then find the product of their highest powers.

Let's factorize each expression:

1. (2+9U) cannot be further factorized.
2. (4-81U) can be factorized using the difference of squares:
(4-81U) = (2-9U)(2+9U)
3. (2-9U) cannot be further factorized.

Now, we have the factorized forms as follows:

1. (2+9U)
2. (2-9U)(2+9U)
3. (2-9U)

To find the LCM, we need to consider the highest power of each factor. Let's analyze the factors:

1. (2+9U):
- The highest power of (2+9U) is 1.

2. (2-9U)(2+9U):
- We already know that (2+9U) has the highest power of 1.
- Since (2-9U) is also a factor, we need to consider its highest power as well. However, since it cannot be further factorized, its highest power is also 1.

3. (2-9U):
- The highest power of (2-9U) is 1.

Now, we can find the LCM by taking the product of the highest powers of these factors:

LCM = (2+9U)(2-9U) = (2^2 - (9U)^2) = (4 - 81U^2) = 4 - 81U^2

Therefore, the LCM of (2+9U), (4-81U), and (2-9U) is 4 - 81U^2.