SOLVE:Y-4/Y+1=2/5 HELP<<<<

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SOLVE:Y-4/Y+1=2/5 HELP<<<<

Show where parentheses must go, and stop using all-caps.

Your equation can be read as
y - (4/y) + 1 = 2/5
and that is probably not what is intended.

To solve the equation (Y-4)/(Y+1) = 2/5, we will follow these steps:

Step 1: Cross multiply
Multiply the numerator on the left side of the equation with the denominator on the right side, and vice versa. This gives us:

5(Y-4) = 2(Y+1)

Step 2: Distribute
Distribute the 5 and 2 to the terms inside the parentheses:

5Y - 20 = 2Y + 2

Step 3: Simplify
Combine like terms by moving all the terms with Y to one side of the equation and the constant terms to the other side:

5Y - 2Y = 20 + 2

3Y = 22

Step 4: Solve for Y
Divide both sides of the equation by 3 to isolate Y:

Y = 22/3

Therefore, the solution to the equation (Y-4)/(Y+1) = 2/5 is Y = 22/3.