Find the image of O(–2, –1) after two reflections, first across the line y = –5, and then across the line x = 1. (1 point)

geometry A unit 6 lesson 3

Rotations quiz
1. C , MN
2. C , left corner
3. B , ( x - 6, y - 6); ( -11 , -5)
4. A 7 units left and 7 units down
5. D , (x + 3 , y - 5)
6. C, ( x - 8, y - 4)
7. C, P'(-4 , -7) Q' (-8, -7) R' (-3 , 3)
8. C , (4, -9)
9. D , OF
10. A , 72 degrees

Point O is 4 units above the line y = -5

After reflection, it is 4 units below, at

O' = (-2,-9)

O' is now 3 units left of x=1. After reflection, it will be 3 units to the right at

O'' = (4,-9)


woo !! Is right but that also works for Geometry 5.3.7 Transformations and rotations thanks!

still correct in 2021 for the unit 5 transformations lesson 3 rotations quiz

9 is OG

10 is 180

@kinna what worked ??

thanks woo !!

woo!! is right got a 100%

yes !! 100%%%% THANK YOUUU