Which of the following was an effect of militarism in Europe in the late 1800's?

a)Nations made political and military alliances.
b)Strong governments developed.
c)Nations made economic alliances,
d)Political tension between nations was reduced.
my answer i think its a


To determine the effect of militarism in Europe in the late 1800s, let's examine each option and see which one aligns with the concept of militarism.

a) Nations made political and military alliances: This option is known to be an effect of militarism. With a focus on military strength, nations often formed alliances to enhance their military capabilities and protect their interests.

b) Strong governments developed: While militarism could be associated with increased government strength in terms of military power, this statement alone does not specifically address the relationship between militarism and government development. Therefore, it may not be the primary effect of militarism in this context.

c) Nations made economic alliances: While economic alliances can be significant, they are not directly related to militarism. They involve cooperation in trade and economic matters, rather than the military aspect of militarism.

d) Political tension between nations was reduced: Militarism usually led to increased political tension rather than reducing it. The arms race and the desire for military superiority often increased rivalries and hostilities among nations.

Considering the points above, option a) "Nations made political and military alliances" is the correct answer. It reflects one of the effects of militarism in Europe during the late 1800s.