The selection of the vice presidential nominee at the national convention is based on:

A.the results of the primaries and caucuses: The candidate who places second in these contests is nominated as the running-mate of the candidate who finishes first.

B.the presidential nominee's choice of a running mate.

I thank it is (A)


is it B

So it's (B)

Actually, the correct answer is (B): the presidential nominee's choice of a running mate.

The selection of the vice presidential nominee at the national convention is ultimately up to the presidential nominee. While the primary and caucus results may give an indication of which candidates are popular among voters, the presidential nominee has the final say in choosing their running mate.

The presidential nominee typically has the authority to choose someone they believe will help them in areas such as balancing the ticket, appealing to specific demographics, or bolstering their chances of winning the election. This decision is typically made after a thorough vetting process and careful consideration of various factors.

It's important to note that primary and caucus results can influence the presidential nominee's decision, as they may consider the preferences of voters or seek to maintain party unity by choosing a candidate who competed in the primaries. However, the nominees are not bound to select the second-place finisher as their running mate; they have the freedom to choose any individual they believe will best serve as their vice presidential candidate.