What are three ways to save money for your school? (Besides canceling field trips)

What a sad question!

Most schools are doing all they can to save money. But students are being short-changed with these cuts.

Cancelling field trips deprive students of vital experiences.

Schools can save money on teachers' salaries by making larger classes and thus hire fewer teachers. But larger classes mean less individual attention for students.

Schools can save money by cutting the number of administrators. But who will do their jobs?

Some schools have tried getting rid of their lunch employees and maintenance employees. But -- in the long run, this has cost more in the long run because the services aren't very good.

how is this a sad question???

It's a sad question because children get hurt when a community tries to save money by cutting educational funding.

What would you do to help schools save money that wouldn't hurt students?

I would stop spending so much on sports because they usually buy new jerseys EVERY year when there is no need to.

To come up with three ways to save money for your school, there are a few different approaches you can take. Here are three methods you can try:

1. Energy Conservation: Encourage staff and students to adopt energy-saving practices throughout the school. This can include turning off lights when not in use, using natural light whenever possible, powering down electronic devices when not in use, and adequately insulating the building to reduce heating and cooling costs.

2. Bulk Purchasing: Look for opportunities to make bulk purchases for commonly used items like office supplies, cleaning products, or cafeteria supplies. By negotiating with suppliers and purchasing in larger quantities, schools can often secure discounts and reduce costs over time.

3. Implement Recycling Programs: Introduce or enhance recycling and waste reduction programs within the school. By properly sorting and disposing of recyclable materials, the school can reduce waste management costs and potentially generate revenue through recycling initiatives.

To implement these cost-saving measures, it's important to involve various stakeholders within the school community, including teachers, students, administrators, and support staff. Encourage everyone to contribute ideas, and establish clear communication channels to ensure effective implementation and ongoing monitoring of these initiatives.