I have to write an Essay showing the symbolism that shows tolerance and kindness in To Kill a Mockingbird" I have the snomwan example. What others are there?

To find other examples of symbolism that shows tolerance and kindness in the novel "To Kill a Mockingbird," you can analyze various significant elements throughout the story. Here are a few examples to consider:

1. The mockingbird: The novel's title itself represents this symbolism. Mockingbirds do nothing but sing and bring joy, thus symbolizing innocence and the importance of protecting the innocent from harm. Atticus Finch, for instance, considers it a sin to kill a mockingbird and embodies the notion of tolerance and kindness towards others.

2. Boo Radley: Boo Radley, a reclusive neighbor, is initially perceived as a feared and mysterious figure. However, as the story progresses, the children, Scout and Jem, come to understand his true nature. Boo Radley symbolizes the importance of not judging others based on appearances, showing tolerance, and extending acts of kindness.

3. Tom Robinson: Tom Robinson, a black man falsely accused of a crime, represents a victim of racial prejudice and injustice in the story. Atticus's defense of Tom Robinson illustrates his commitment to tolerance and kindness, as he fights for justice and equality in a prejudiced society.

4. Atticus Finch: Atticus himself can also be seen as a symbolic representation of tolerance and kindness. His calm and patient demeanor, his unbiased views, and his continuous effort to teach his children important moral lessons emphasize the values of empathy, understanding, and acceptance.

To further support your essay, you may want to analyze specific scenes, quotes, and character interactions that highlight these symbolic representations of tolerance and kindness.