c=6350/(425-3x) What is the cost and equation to remove 99% of the pollution in the pond?

To determine the cost and equation to remove 99% of the pollution in the pond, we first need to understand the given equation and what it represents.

The equation c = 6350/(425-3x) represents the cost (c) of removing pollutants from the pond. The variable x represents the amount of pollution removed. The equation suggests that as more pollution is removed (larger values of x), the cost of removal decreases.

To find the cost and equation to remove 99% of the pollution, we need to determine the value of x that corresponds to a pollution removal of 99%.

To do this, we can set up the following equation:

99% of pollution = x / Total pollution

Since the equation c = 6350/(425-3x) represents the total cost of removing any amount of pollution x, we can substitute the 99% pollution removal value into the equation and solve for x.

0.99 = x / Total pollution

0.99 = x / (425 - 3x)

Now we can solve this equation algebraically:

0.99(425 - 3x) = x

419.25 - 2.97x = x

419.25 = 2.97x + x

419.25 = 3.97x

x = 419.25 / 3.97

x ≈ 105.54

Therefore, to remove 99% of the pollution in the pond, the value of x, representing the amount of pollution removed, is approximately 105.54.

Now, to find the cost (c) of removing this amount of pollution, we can substitute x ≈ 105.54 back into the original equation:

c = 6350 / (425 - 3(105.54))

Simplifying this equation will give us the cost to remove 99% of the pollution in the pond.