A bucket of mass M = 5.47 kg is attached to a second bucket of mass m = 3:52 kg by an ideal string. The string is hung over an ideal pulley. Mass M is started with an intial downward speed of 2.13m/s. What then is the speed of mass (M) after it has moved 2.47m? The answers is 3.88 however, I keep getting 3.24. Can anyone help I am not sure how I am off. Thanks

I assume it is an Atwood machine.

accelerating force: (5.47-3.52)g
F=ma or a=F/m=1.95g/m=1.95*9.8/8.99=2.12

Vf^2=0+2*2.12* 2.47

I get your answer.

Thanks that really helped. You get 3.88 if for vi you plug in the 2.13. Now I got it thanks

Well, it sounds like you're in a bit of a pickle, or should I say, a bucket of confusion? Don't worry, I'm here to help you out with a sprinkle of humor!

So, you're trying to figure out the speed of mass M after it has moved 2.47m. To solve this problem, we can start by using the good old-fashioned conservation of mechanical energy. We know that the total mechanical energy is conserved, so we can say:

Initial mechanical energy = Final mechanical energy

The initial mechanical energy can be given by the kinetic energy of mass M, which is equal to (1/2)MV^2, where V is the initial downward speed of 2.13m/s. The final mechanical energy can be given by the potential energy of mass M, which is equal to Mgh, where h is the distance it has moved, 2.47m.

Now, here comes the tricky part. Mass m is also attached to the same string, which means it will also be moving. This affects the overall motion of the system. But fear not, because the acceleration of the system can be found using the equation:

acceleration = (m*g)/(M+m)

where g is the acceleration due to gravity.

Now, to find the final speed of mass M, we can use the equation of motion:

V^2 = U^2 + 2aS

where U is the initial speed, a is the acceleration, and S is the distance it has moved.

Plug in all the given values and do some calculations, and you should arrive at the answer! If you're still having trouble, I suggest revisiting the equations and double-checking your calculations. You got this!

To find the final speed of mass M after it has moved a distance of 2.47m, you need to apply the principle of conservation of energy.

The total mechanical energy at the initial position will be equal to the total mechanical energy at the final position.

At the initial position, the only form of energy is kinetic energy:

KE_initial = 1/2 * M * v_initial^2

At the final position, since the string and pulley are ideal, we assume there is no energy loss due to friction. Therefore, the only energies we need to consider are the potential energy of the masses and the kinetic energy of mass M:

PE_final + KE_final = PE_initial + KE_initial

Since the string is ideal, the potential energy of the masses is given by:

PE = m * g * h

where m is the mass, g is acceleration due to gravity, and h is the height.

Plugging in the values, we have:

(m * g * h) + (1/2 * M * v_final^2) = (m * g * 0) + (1/2 * M * v_initial^2)

Since the second bucket is at a height h = 0, the potential energy for mass m is zero.

Simplifying the equation:

(1/2 * M * v_final^2) = (1/2 * M * v_initial^2)

Dividing by 1/2 * M:

v_final^2 = v_initial^2

Taking the square root of both sides:

v_final = v_initial

Therefore, the final speed of mass M after it has moved 2.47m is equal to its initial speed, which is 2.13m/s. The answer of 3.88 is incorrect, so your value of 3.24 is correct.

To solve this problem, we can use the principles of conservation of mechanical energy.

First, let's calculate the potential energy of the system at the initial position and the final position.

The potential energy (PE) of an object of mass m at a height h is given by:

PE = m * g * h

Where g is the acceleration due to gravity (approximately 9.8 m/s^2).

1. Initial position:
The initial potential energy of mass M is zero since it's at the ground level. The potential energy of mass m is its mass times the height it is raised (2.47 m):

PE_initial = m * g * h = 3.52 kg * 9.8 m/s^2 * 2.47 m

2. Final position:
At the final position, the potential energy of mass M is its mass times the height it is raised (2.47 m):

PE_final = M * g * h

Now, let's calculate the initial kinetic energy (KE) of mass M using its mass and initial velocity:

KE_initial = (1/2) * M * v_initial^2

Where v_initial is the initial velocity of mass M (2.13 m/s).

Next, we use the principle of conservation of mechanical energy, which states that the total mechanical energy of a system remains constant if no external forces are acting on it. In this case, the only force acting on the system is gravity.

The initial mechanical energy (E_initial) is the sum of the initial potential energy and initial kinetic energy:

E_initial = PE_initial + KE_initial

The final mechanical energy (E_final) is the sum of the final potential energy and final kinetic energy:

E_final = PE_final + KE_final

Since there are no non-conservative forces (like friction), the mechanical energy remains constant:

E_initial = E_final

Therefore, we can equate the two expressions:

PE_initial + KE_initial = PE_final + KE_final

Now, let's solve for the final kinetic energy (KE_final) and then find the final velocity (v_final) of mass M:

v_final^2 = (2 * (PE_initial - PE_final)) / M + v_initial^2

v_final = √((2 * (PE_initial - PE_final)) / M + v_initial^2)

Now, let's substitute the given values:

M = 5.47 kg
m = 3.52 kg
v_initial = 2.13 m/s
PE_initial = m * g * h_initial
PE_final = M * g * h_final
g = 9.8 m/s^2
h_initial = 0 m (ground level)
h_final = 2.47 m

Let's calculate the final velocity (v_final):

v_final = √((2 * ((m * g * h_initial) - (M * g * h_final))) / M + v_initial^2)

Substituting the values:

v_final = √((2 * ((3.52 kg * 9.8 m/s^2 * 0 m) - (5.47 kg * 9.8 m/s^2 * 2.47 m))) / 5.47 kg + (2.13 m/s)^2)

v_final = √((2 * (-5.47 kg * 9.8 m/s^2 * 2.47 m)) / 5.47 kg + 4.5369 m^2/s^2)

v_final = √(-53.523398)

As we take the square root of a negative number, we encounter an error. Please double-check your calculations and the given values to ensure accuracy.