Use Cavalieri's Principle to find the area of the region.

In the example we see a "leaning tower" with base 'a' and height 'b'. The left side of the leaning rectangle is given by y = x^2, the right side given by y = (x - a)^2

the answer to this problem is A=ba
but can anybody show/explain why?

To use Cavalieri's Principle to find the area of the region, you can follow the steps below:

1. Understand Cavalieri's Principle: Cavalieri's Principle states that if two solid shapes have equal height and their corresponding cross-sections at any given height have equal area, then the two shapes have equal volume.

2. Identify the cross-section: In this case, the shape you need to find the area for is a leaning rectangle. The cross-sections of the shape are parallel to the base (x-axis) and perpendicular to the height (y-axis).

3. Find the area of the cross-section: The left side of the leaning rectangle is given by the equation y = x^2 and the right side by y = (x - a)^2, where 'a' is the base and 'b' is the height.

To find the area of the cross-section, calculate the definite integral of the difference of the right and left sides, with respect to x, from 0 to a (since the limits of integration are based on the base of the rectangle being from 0 to a):

A = ∫[0 to a] [(x - a)^2 - x^2] dx

Simplify the integral:

A = ∫[0 to a] [x^2 - 2ax + a^2 - x^2] dx

A = ∫[0 to a] [-2ax + a^2] dx

A = (-2a/2) ∫[0 to a] [x - a] dx (using the constant multiple rule)

A = -a^2 [x - a] evaluated from 0 to a (integrating and applying the fundamental theorem of calculus)

A = -a^2 [(a - a) - (0 - a)] (substituting the limits of integration)

A = -a^2 [0 + a]

A = -a^2 * a

A = -a^3

However, the negative sign indicates that the area is negative, which doesn't make sense in this context. So we need to correct the sign.

4. Adjust for the sign: Since the area must be positive, we take the absolute value of the result:

A = | -a^3 |

Finally, taking the absolute value of the area gives:

A = a^3

Therefore, the correct answer for the area of the region is A = a^3, not A = ba.

Please note that there might be a mistake in the problem or in the provided solution, as the area should not equal ba, but rather a^3.