what is the complete subject and complete predicate on the following sentances

1. Angela's favorite program changes the colors and sixes of images.

2. Graphic artists can choose a percentage of red, blue or yellow.

3. They can also focus a photograph, or they can adjust its contrast.

4. Angela uses the computer for her final design, and she makes sure everything is in place.

thank you for the help

I'll do the first one.

Subject: Anita's favorite program
Predicate: changes the colors and sizes of the images

I suggest you first find the verb and then ask who or what is doing this to find the subject.

Note that 3 and 4 have two independent clauses -- so they have two subjects and two predicates.

I'll be glad to check your answers.

ok thanks did I do them correctly

subject: Graphic artists
Predicate: can choose a percentage of red, blue, or yellow

subject: They
predicate: can also focus on a photograph
second subject they
second predicateL can adjust its contrast

subject: Angela
predicate: uses the computer for her final design
second subject: She
predicate: makes sure everything is in place.

thanks again

Right! :-)

1. In sentence 1, the complete subject is "Angela's favorite program" and the complete predicate is "changes the colors and sizes of images."

To identify the complete subject, you can ask yourself, "Who or what is the sentence about?" In this case, it is "Angela's favorite program."

To identify the complete predicate, you can ask yourself, "What does the subject (Angela's favorite program) do or what is being said about it?" In this case, it is "changes the colors and sizes of images."

2. In sentence 2, the complete subject is "Graphic artists" and the complete predicate is "can choose a percentage of red, blue, or yellow."

To identify the complete subject, you can ask yourself, "Who or what is the sentence about?" In this case, it is "Graphic artists."

To identify the complete predicate, you can ask yourself, "What does the subject (Graphic artists) do or what is being said about it?" In this case, it is "can choose a percentage of red, blue, or yellow."

3. In sentence 3, the complete subject is "They" and the complete predicate is "can also focus a photograph, or they can adjust its contrast."

To identify the complete subject, you can ask yourself, "Who or what is the sentence about?" In this case, it is "They."

To identify the complete predicate, you can ask yourself, "What does the subject (They) do or what is being said about it?" In this case, it is "can also focus a photograph, or they can adjust its contrast."

4. In sentence 4, the complete subject is "Angela" and the complete predicate is "uses the computer for her final design, and she makes sure everything is in place."

To identify the complete subject, you can ask yourself, "Who or what is the sentence about?" In this case, it is "Angela."

To identify the complete predicate, you can ask yourself, "What does the subject (Angela) do or what is being said about it?" In this case, it is "uses the computer for her final design, and she makes sure everything is in place."