By expressing 3x as (2x + x) prove that

cos3x = 4cos^3x - 3cosx

check previous post of same question

To prove this trigonometric identity using the expression 3x as (2x + x), we can start with the double-angle formula for the cosine function, which states:

cos(2θ) = 2cos^2(θ) - 1

Let's now replace θ with x,:

cos(2x) = 2cos^2(x) - 1

Now, we can express 3x as (2x + x):

cos(2(2x + x)) = 2cos^2(2x + x) - 1

Simplifying the left side:

cos(4x + 2x) = 2cos^2(3x) - 1

Using the sum-to-product formula for cosine, we can rewrite the left side:

cos(6x) = 2cos^2(3x) - 1

Now, we can express cos(6x) using cos(3x) and cos(x):

cos(6x) = 2cos^2(3x) - 1

cos(2(3x)) = 2cos^2(3x) - 1

Applying the double-angle formula again:

2cos^2(3x) - 1 = 2(2cos^2(3x) - 1)^2 - 1

We can simplify this further by squaring the expression:

2cos^2(3x) - 1 = 2(4cos^4(3x) - 4cos^2(3x) + 1) - 1

Distributing the 2:

2cos^2(3x) - 1 = 8cos^4(3x) - 8cos^2(3x) + 2 - 1

Combining like terms:

2cos^2(3x) - 1 = 8cos^4(3x) - 8cos^2(3x) + 1

Rearranging the terms:

8cos^4(3x) - 8cos^2(3x) + 2 - 1 = 2cos^2(3x) - 1


8cos^4(3x) - 10cos^2(3x) + 1 = 0

Now, let's define a new variable t = cos(3x):

8t^4 - 10t^2 + 1 = 0

This is a quadratic equation in t^2. We can solve it by factoring or using the quadratic formula:

(4t^2 - 1)(2t^2 - 1) = 0

The solutions for t^2 are:

t^2 = 1/4 or t^2 = 1/2

Taking the square root of both sides:

t = ±√(1/4) or t = ±√(1/2)


t = ±1/2 or t = ±1/√2

Substituting back t = cos(3x):

cos(3x) = ±1/2 or cos(3x) = ±1/√2

Hence, we have proved that cos(3x) = 4cos^3(x) - 3cos(x) using the given expression 3x as (2x + x).