3. In "Of Plymouth plantation, at the first Thanksgiving, the Pilgrims are most thankful for

a. the treaty they made with the American Indians
b. the departure of loathsome sailors
c. their store of game and corn
d. the arrival of more people from England

12. In The Autobiography of the Declaration of Independence, Jefferson emphasizes that the colonists
a. desire a form of self-government
b. expect guidance from the British Parliament
c. want to rebel against all formal rules ad regulations
d. need an army to restore law and order

13. Which of the following best summarizes Jefferson's main idea?
a. Responsibility should be avoided
b. Freedom is a right
c. Chaos is always caused by liberty
d. Everyone deserves a free press and freedom or religion
B or D


3. Correct

12. What do you think is the best answer?

13. B.


Maybe D

Yes, A is correct.

Thank You


You're welcome.

To answer question 3, "In 'Of Plymouth Plantation,' at the first Thanksgiving, the Pilgrims are most thankful for," you would need to read the text of "Of Plymouth Plantation" by William Bradford or a summary of the text. This primary source recounts the story of the Pilgrims and their journey to America. It details their struggles, interactions with the Native Americans, and the first Thanksgiving.

In this case, option C, "their store of game and corn," is the most accurate answer based on historical accounts. The Pilgrims were grateful for the bountiful harvest, which provided them with sustenance and helped them survive their first year. However, it is important to consult the primary source or a reliable secondary source to obtain a complete understanding of the Pilgrims' experiences and their reasons for gratitude.

Regarding question 12, "In The Autobiography of the Declaration of Independence, Jefferson emphasizes that the colonists," you would need to read "The Autobiography of the Declaration of Independence" by Thomas Jefferson. However, it is important to note that this work does not exist. So, this question appears to be either misphrased or based on incorrect information.

For question 13, "Which of the following best summarizes Jefferson's main idea?" it is unclear which text or work by Jefferson is being referred to. However, based on Jefferson's beliefs and known ideas, option B, "Freedom is a right," or option D, "Everyone deserves a free press and freedom of religion," could be potential answers. Nonetheless, without the specific context of the text or work being referred to, it is challenging to provide a definitive answer.

It is always crucial to refer to the primary source or reliable secondary sources when answering questions about specific texts or works by authors in order to ensure accurate and comprehensive responses.