Use the equation W = -0.0014x2 - 0.076x +

50 to find W for each x-value in the table.
Use this equation to estimate the number of worms on 60 and on day 180. Which answer is the most accurate?

To find the value of W for each x-value in the table using the given equation, we simply substitute each x-value into the equation and evaluate.

Let's start with the given equation:
W = -0.0014x^2 - 0.076x + 50

To estimate the number of worms on day 60 and day 180, we substitute 60 and 180, respectively, into the equation.

For day 60 (x = 60):
W = -0.0014(60)^2 - 0.076(60) + 50
W = -0.0014(3600) - 4.56 + 50
W = -5.04 - 4.56 + 50
W = 40.4

For day 180 (x = 180):
W = -0.0014(180)^2 - 0.076(180) + 50
W = -0.0014(32400) - 13.68 + 50
W = -45.36 - 13.68 + 50
W = -9.04

Now, let's analyze which answer is the most accurate.

The number of worms on day 60 is estimated to be 40.4, while on day 180, it is estimated to be -9.04.

In this situation, the most accurate answer would be the one that makes the most sense in the context of the problem. Since the number of worms cannot be negative, an estimate of -9.04 on day 180 seems unrealistic. Therefore, the estimate of 40.4 on day 60 is likely to be more accurate.

Hence, the answer that is most accurate is the estimate of 40.4 worms on day 60.