How much heat does it take to raise 1.0kg of lead from 0 degree celsius to 90 degree celsius

To calculate the heat required to raise the temperature of a substance, we can use the formula:

Q = mcΔT


Q is the heat energy transferred
m is the mass of the substance
c is the specific heat capacity of the substance
ΔT is the change in temperature

For lead, the specific heat capacity is approximately 0.13 J/g°C (joules per gram-degree Celsius).

First, we need to convert the mass of lead from kilograms to grams:
1.0 kg = 1000 g

Now we can calculate the heat required:

Q = (mass) x (specific heat capacity) x (change in temperature)
= 1000 g x 0.13 J/g°C x (90°C - 0°C)
= 1000 g x 0.13 J/g°C x 90°C
= 11700 J

Therefore, it takes approximately 11,700 joules (J) of heat to raise 1.0 kg of lead from 0°C to 90°C.