Hey Can Any one Help me With Problem Statement But it Must include the Independent and dependent variable.

the topic is How Does Iron react with water.

Sure! The problem statement you provided is "How does iron react with water?" Now, let's identify the independent and dependent variables in this context.

The independent variable is the factor that you are intentionally changing or manipulating in an experiment. In this case, the independent variable would be the amount of iron used or the concentration of iron in the water.

The dependent variable is the factor that is being observed or measured as a result of the changes in the independent variable. In this case, the dependent variable would be the reaction of iron with water, which could be observed through the formation of rust or other chemical changes.

To investigate how iron reacts with water, you can set up an experiment where you vary the concentration or amount of iron, and then observe and measure the resulting reaction or changes in the water. This could involve placing different amounts of iron in separate containers of water and observing how quickly rust forms, or using other methods to measure the extent of the reaction.

Remember, the key is to vary the independent variable (amount/concentration of iron) and observe the dependent variable (reaction with water) to understand the relationship between them.