I'm writing an essay and to me my opening sentence could be worded better or is a run on. Please help.

Although it’s difficult to a chose a particular event or person that had the greatest impact on western civilization, the rule of Constantine the Great was a figure that stood out.

I meant choose* not chose by the way.

Although there are many events and people that have had great effects on western civilization, Constantine the Great was a figure who stands out.

1. Making the introductory clause positive rather than negative works better.

2. "the rule of Constantine" was not a figure.

Yeh that's why i said Constantine the Great, but what do you mean by your first statement. How would I change the sentence then?

Please reread what I posted. I changed your sentence.

Sorry I'm half asleep, thanks.

To improve your opening sentence, you can consider revising it as follows:

"The rule of Constantine the Great emerges as a prominent figure, despite the challenge of selecting a singular event or person that had the most notable influence on Western civilization."

To create a more concise sentence, I removed the repetition of "difficult to" and replaced it with "despite the challenge of." Additionally, I rephrased the sentence structure to make it clearer and more engaging for your readers. Finally, I replaced "it's" with "the" to make the sentence more formal.