Analyze the collision of a baseball with a bat. During which portion of the collision does the baseball’s

velocity reach zero?
a. before the collision
b. during the collision
c. one second after the collision
d. one-hundredth of a second after the collision

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B. During the collision. One-hundredth of a second after, the balls velocity would surpass equilibrium, and move towards the perceived negative quantity.

An inelastic collision is one in which?

To analyze the collision of a baseball with a bat, we need to understand the different phases of the collision.

During the collision, the baseball's velocity changes due to the forces exerted by the bat. The baseball initially approaches the bat with a positive velocity and then rebounds in the opposite direction after the collision.

Option a: "before the collision" is incorrect because the baseball's velocity is still positive as it approaches the bat.

Option b: "during the collision" is correct. At some point during the collision, the baseball's velocity reaches zero. This is because the forces acting on the baseball during the collision cause its velocity to decrease until it momentarily stops.

Option c: "one second after the collision" is incorrect because one second after the collision, the baseball would have already rebounded and started to move away from the bat with a negative velocity.

Option d: "one-hundredth of a second after the collision" is incorrect because at that point, the baseball would have already rebounded and moved away from the bat.

So, the correct answer is b. During the collision, the baseball's velocity reaches zero.