Conservatives love to teach and you decide. Liberals love to teach and enforce their views on you. They even make it a law.

There is one thing I am learning about liberals, they must attend a school of learning in how to talk over your head. No matter how long you teach them what is right, they will rant, rave and shout how wrong is now right. Just like little kids who are against mommy and daddy.

is both of these ad honemin

No. Neither of these arguments attack a person.

Based on the language used in the statement, it appears that there is a negative bias towards liberals and a positive bias towards conservatives. This subjective perspective can lead to the use of ad hominem arguments, which are attacks against a person's character instead of addressing the actual issue at hand. Ad hominem arguments can be problematic because they divert attention from the topic being discussed and undermine the quality of the debate. It is important to focus on the substance of the arguments and avoid personal attacks when engaging in constructive discussions.