please check my answer thanks :)

True or False
The committe on social welfare implements fee schedules

I said True

What "committe [sic] on social welfare"? Is there such a thing? In what country or state? Or is it in a company?

To determine whether your answer is correct or not, we need to understand what the committee on social welfare is and what their role is.

The committee on social welfare is a group of individuals who are responsible for making decisions and implementing policies related to social welfare programs. They may include government officials, experts, and stakeholders in the field of social welfare.

Fee schedules, on the other hand, refer to a predetermined list of fees or charges for specific services or programs. These schedules help establish the costs associated with accessing and utilizing social welfare services.

To find out if the committee on social welfare implements fee schedules, you could undertake the following steps:

1. Research: Look for reliable sources such as government websites, official documents, or reputable news sources that discuss the role and responsibilities of the committee on social welfare. Check if there is any mention of their involvement in establishing or implementing fee schedules.

2. Reviewing legislation or policies: Check if there are any relevant laws, regulations, or policies that outline the committee's responsibilities related to fee schedules. This could include documents related to social welfare programs or any specific legislation governing the committee's work.

Based on your answer, True, it seems that you are asserting that the committee on social welfare does implement fee schedules. However, without additional information or context, it is challenging to confidently determine if your answer is correct.

I encourage you to conduct further research using the steps outlined above to validate your answer.