If Alice earns a monthly salary of $315 plus a comission on her total sales. Last month her total sales were $9640 and she earned a total of $1182.60. What is her comission rate?




To find Alice's commission rate, we need to calculate the commission earned as a percentage of her total sales.

Let's break down the problem step by step:

Step 1: Determine Alice's salary
Alice's monthly salary is given as $315.

Step 2: Calculate Alice's commission
Alice's total earnings last month were $1182.60. This includes her base salary of $315 plus her commission. To find her commission, we subtract her base salary from her total earnings:
Commission = Total Earnings - Base Salary
Commission = $1182.60 - $315 = $867.60

Step 3: Calculate the commission rate
To find the commission rate, we divide the commission by the total sales and then multiply by 100 to convert it to a percentage:
Commission Rate = (Commission / Total Sales) * 100
Commission Rate = ($867.60 / $9640) * 100 ≈ 8.999%

Therefore, Alice's commission rate is approximately 8.999%.