Following the political realignment that occurred under Franklin Roosevelt, which of these oppositions began to reshape politics in Texas?

a. Liberal versus conservative

b. Landowner versus businessman

c. Black versus white

d. Democrat versus Republican

e. Labor versus management

Is D correct?

Yes, you are correct. The opposition of Democrat versus Republican began to reshape politics in Texas following the political realignment that occurred under Franklin Roosevelt.

To arrive at this answer, one can use a combination of historical knowledge and reasoning. Franklin Roosevelt, a Democrat, implemented several progressive policies as part of his New Deal programs during the Great Depression. This resulted in a political realignment in many parts of the United States, including Texas. Prior to this realignment, Texas had been primarily a one-party Democratic state. However, the implementation of New Deal policies led to a divide between those who supported Roosevelt and the Democratic Party's liberal agenda, and those who were more aligned with the Republican Party's conservative values.

Therefore, the opposition between the Democrats and Republicans reshaped politics in Texas during this period.