i need to underline the preposition in each sentence and draw an arrow pointing to its object

1) Valentines Day is in February.
prep - in pointed to Februaray

2) Ihave new puppy at home.
prep = at pointed to home

3) There are 2 pairs of shoes under the bed. prep under pointed to bed

4) My sister lives in Ohio.
prep in pointed to Ohio

5) The store opens at ten o'clock.
prep: at pointed to clock

6) The cow jumped over the moon.
prep: over pointed to moon

7) The children dove into the pool.
prep: into pointed to pool

8) I put the leaf between the pages of abook.
prep: between pointed to pages

9) Beautiful flowers were growing in the garden.
prep in pointed to : garden

10 We were siting near the stage.
prep: near pointed to stage.

are these right?

3, 8. Right, but these sentences have two prepositional phrases.

The rest are correct.

3) would it be prep of

pointed to shoes

8) prep of pointed to book

Right! Good job!!

I love this. I am very bad at appositives and prepositions.i get those two mixed up. I think this is an awesome website for people like me who need help!😄😃

Yes, your answers are correct! You have identified the preposition in each sentence and correctly pointed to its object with an arrow. Well done!