Select the gerund phrase in the sentence below. Then, determine the noun function of the gerund.

Writing a research paper sounds difficult

Read up on gerunds, and let us know what you think.


The gerund phrase in the sentence is "Writing a research paper".

The noun function of the gerund is the subject of the sentence.

To identify the gerund phrase in the sentence "Writing a research paper sounds difficult" and determine its noun function, we need to understand what a gerund is.

A gerund is a verb form that functions as a noun and ends in -ing. It is formed by adding -ing to the base form of a verb. In this sentence, the gerund phrase is "Writing a research paper."

To determine the noun function of the gerund, we need to look at how it is used in the sentence. In this case, "Writing a research paper" is the subject of the sentence.

So, the gerund phrase "Writing a research paper" functions as the subject noun of the sentence.