
1/3 Y÷1/2 X=4

Discuss its meaning.
Create a shape for X and for Y that will make this true. Draw and label the shapes, then illustrate how the quotient was obtained. Your drawing must be neat and accurate.

let's just simplify it, why "discuss" it?

(y/3) ÷ (x/2) = 4
y/3 = 4(x/2)
y/3 = 2x
y = 6x

looks like a very simple straight line equation with a slope of 6 , passing through the origin.

Its not meant to represent a line. :/

Create a shape for X and for Y that will make this true. Draw and label the shapes, then illustrate how the quotient was obtained. Your drawing must be neat and accurate

The way you typed it, the equation reduces to

y = 6x, which is definitely a straight line, trust me.

Here are 4 ordered pairs which satisfy my equation of
y = 6x and your equation of (1/3)y ÷ (1/2)x = 4

(1,6), (2,12), (3,18) and (15.25, 91.5)

If you plot them, they will form a straight line.

I don't have a clue what you mean by
"create a shape for X and Y that will make this true"

Guess I am just an old-fashioned mathematician.

To discuss the meaning of the equation 1/3 Y ÷ 1/2 X = 4, let's break it down step by step.

1/3 Y ÷ 1/2 X = 4

First, we need to understand that ÷ symbol represents division. Therefore, the equation can be rewritten as:

(1/3) * Y / (1/2) * X = 4

Now, we can simplify the equation:

(1/3) * Y * (2/1) * X = 4
(2/3) * Y * X = 4

To solve for Y and X, we can rearrange the equation:

Y * X = 4 * (3/2)
Y * X = 6

Now, let's create a shape for X and Y that satisfies this equation. Since we need to illustrate a product of X and Y equaling 6, we can consider a rectangle where the length (Y) and width (X) are the sides.

Let's draw a rectangle with a length of 2 units and a width of 3 units. Label Y and X accordingly. It should look like this:

| |
| Y |
| |

In this case, the length (Y) is 2 units and the width (X) is 3 units. When we multiply them together, we get:

Y * X = 2 * 3 = 6

So, this rectangle represents a shape for X and Y that satisfies the equation Y * X = 6.

By understanding the equation and utilizing a drawing, we can see how the quotient was obtained and how the variables X and Y can relate to each other to make the equation true.