Choose two changes that came about from the Civil war and for EACH ONE CHOSEN

Explain how the Civil War brought about the change and Evaluate its effect on American Society

Change 1: Abolition of Slavery

Explanation of how the Civil War brought about the change: The Civil War was primarily fought over the issue of slavery. As the war progressed, it became increasingly clear that the Union's victory would lead to the abolition of slavery. President Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863, declaring all slaves in Confederate territory free. Eventually, the 13th Amendment to the United States Constitution was ratified in 1865, formally abolishing slavery.

Evaluation of its effect on American Society: The abolition of slavery brought about a profound change in American society. It marked the end of institutionalized racism and the legal ownership of human beings. Former slaves were granted their freedom and the right to establish their own lives. However, the effects of slavery persisted in different forms, such as segregation and discrimination, which continued to shape American society for many years to come. Nevertheless, the abolition of slavery was a crucial step towards equality and paved the way for the Civil Rights Movement in the 20th century.

Change 2: Strengthened Federal Government

Explanation of how the Civil War brought about the change: The Civil War was a significant turning point in American history as it led to the strengthening of the federal government. Prior to the war, the power balance between the federal government and the states was more tilted towards states' rights. However, the war necessitated a unified effort and a stronger central authority to effectively prosecute the war. President Lincoln, for example, expanded executive authority to meet the demands of the war effort.

Evaluation of its effect on American Society: The strengthened federal government had a lasting impact on American society. It solidified the supremacy of the federal government over the states, ensuring a more unified and stable country. It also set a precedent for future presidents to exercise expanded executive powers during times of crisis. However, the strengthened federal government also raised concerns about the potential for abuse of power and encroachment on individual liberties. These concerns continue to shape debates about the balance between federal authority and states' rights in modern American society. Overall, the Civil War's impact on strengthening the federal government has had both positive and negative effects on American society.

Change 1: End of Slavery

Explanation of how the Civil War brought about the change: The Civil War was primarily fought over the issue of slavery. The Confederate states fought to preserve the institution of slavery, while the Union fought to abolish it. With the Union's victory in the war, slavery came to an end through a series of constitutional amendments. The Emancipation Proclamation, issued by President Abraham Lincoln in 1862, declared that all slaves in Confederate-held territory were to be set free. The 13th Amendment, ratified in 1865, officially abolished slavery in the United States.

Evaluation of its effect on American Society: The end of slavery brought about significant changes in American society. Firstly, it marked a major step towards fulfilling the promise of equality enshrined in the Declaration of Independence. Former slaves were now legally free, and although racial discrimination persisted, this marked the beginning of the long struggle for civil rights and equal treatment for all Americans. Secondly, the end of slavery had profound economic implications. The Southern economy had been heavily dependent on plantation-based agriculture fueled by slave labor. With the abolition of slavery, the plantation system collapsed, forcing the South to transition to a new labor system and diversify its economy. This had far-reaching consequences for the region's socio-economic structure.

Change 2: Strengthening of the Federal Government

Explanation of how the Civil War brought about the change: The Civil War significantly strengthened the power of the federal government. During the war, President Lincoln and subsequent administrations took unprecedented measures, such as imposing martial law and suspending certain civil liberties, to preserve the Union. The war effort required increased centralization of power and resources, leading to the establishment of agencies like the War Department, the draft, and the expansion of federal authority over issues like taxation and regulation of industry.

Evaluation of its effect on American Society: The strengthening of the federal government had both positive and negative effects on American society. On the positive side, it helped solidify the United States as a unified nation by asserting the federal government's authority over the individual states. This, in turn, provided a stronger foundation for the operation of government and the enforcement of laws. It also laid the groundwork for future federal initiatives in areas such as civil rights, infrastructure development, and social welfare. However, the centralization of power also raised concerns about the potential for abuse of authority and encroachment on individual liberties. The tension between states' rights and federal power has remained a recurring theme in American politics, as the balance of power continues to be debated and reassessed.

In conclusion, the Civil War brought about significant changes in American society, including the end of slavery and the strengthening of the federal government. These changes had far-reaching effects on various aspects of society, from race relations to the balance of power between the states and the federal government.