Please help! Is this the correct answer for the question? Please help!

I picked C

According to ______ therapists, changing the thinking patterns of anxious individuals can greatly lessen their fears.

a. cognitive

b. behavioral

c. existential

d. humanistic

I disagree. What does your text say?

I thank it is B.

Look up the definition of cognitive.

It is A.

To determine if your answer is correct, we need to understand the question and evaluate each of the answer options.

The question asks about the perspective of therapists who believe that changing the thinking patterns of anxious individuals can lessen their fears.

a. Cognitive therapists focus on understanding how individual thoughts and beliefs affect emotions and behaviors. They use techniques like cognitive restructuring to help individuals change their thought patterns and reduce anxiety.

b. Behavioral therapists focus on changing behaviors and use techniques like exposure therapy and relaxation techniques to help individuals reduce anxiety. While they may address thoughts to some extent, their primary focus is on observable behaviors.

c. Existential therapy is based on the philosophy of existentialism and explores questions related to the meaning and purpose in life. It doesn't primarily focus on changing thinking patterns to alleviate anxiety.

d. Humanistic therapy emphasizes personal growth, self-acceptance, and self-realization. It may address anxiety, but its approach is not primarily focused on changing thinking patterns.

Given these explanations, the correct answer is option a. Cognitive therapists focus on changing the thinking patterns of anxious individuals to lessen their fears. If you chose option c, existential, as your answer, it is incorrect.