As a professor at State University, you have been asked to write a letter of recommendation for one of your advisees who is applying for an internship. The student is now a senior and you have known her since she was a freshman. She has taken two courses from you, and she's active in a club for which you are the faculty advisor. Which of the following would be the BEST way to begin the letter?

a. Give an overview of the student's academic achievements.

b. List specific details that you remember about the work she produced in each of the classes she took with you.

c. Make it clear that you're recommending the student for the internship and then show how well and how long you've known her.

d. Give specific reasons that she would do well in this particular internship

I think the answer is C. But not for sure if it is C or B. Probably C.

The best way to begin? Of course, it's C!!

Answer: is statement random or discreet? a. Temperature of the coffee served to a randomly chosen customer.

You are on the right track! Option C would indeed be the best way to begin the letter of recommendation for the student applying for an internship. By making it clear that you are recommending the student for the internship and showcasing how well and how long you have known her, you establish your credibility and highlight the depth of your relationship with the student. This initial approach sets a positive tone for the rest of the letter.

Option B, on the other hand, suggests listing specific details about the work produced in each class she took with you. While this information could be valuable to include in the letter, it may be more suitable for the body of the letter rather than the introduction. The beginning of the recommendation letter should primarily focus on establishing your endorsement of the student and your relationship with her.

So, in conclusion, option C would be the most appropriate and effective way to begin the letter of recommendation.