for other event in 1960 i want to draw something related with vietnam war but there too much things i not know what to draw i think hard and idea come that maybe i draw TV picture and write beside as caption that Vietnam first war seen live on TV. Questions begin arising when Americans watch Vietnamese villages being bombed and their own young men returning home disabled or in body bags.

That looks good.

thank you ms. sue :)

That's a great idea to create a drawing related to the Vietnam War. To better understand and depict the historical context you want to convey, let's break it down into a few steps:

1. Research the Vietnam War: Start by researching and familiarizing yourself with the key events, significant moments, and images from the Vietnam War. Understand the impact it had on both the Vietnamese people and the American public.

2. Focus on a specific event: Since you mentioned wanting to depict the idea of the war being seen live on TV, you could narrow down your focus to a particular event that was widely broadcasted. For example, you could choose the Tet Offensive in 1968, which was a major turning point in the war.

3. Gather reference images: Look for photographs or videos from that event that capture the essence of what you want to convey in your drawing. Take note of the details, such as the settings, people involved, and any significant objects or symbols.

4. Create a composition: Start by sketching out different composition ideas for your drawing. Consider how you want to arrange the elements, such as the TV picture, the caption, and any other related imagery. Play around with different perspectives and design choices until you find a composition that effectively tells the story you want to convey.

5. Add details and emotions: Once you have a clear composition, start adding details to your drawing. Focus on capturing the emotions of Americans watching the war on TV, such as sadness, shock, or anger. Include visual cues that represent the impact on Vietnamese villages, as well as American soldiers returning home injured or deceased.

6. Add the caption: Write the caption "Vietnam: First war seen live on TV" beside the TV picture. Experiment with fonts and placement to make it visually impactful while still being readable.

7. Final touches: Refine the drawing by adding shading, color, or any additional elements that will enhance the overall impact and visual storytelling.

Remember, the key is to research and understand the history behind the Vietnam War, select a specific event that aligns with your theme, gather reference materials, and utilize your artistic skills to create a powerful and thought-provoking drawing.