A 116.9 g sample of nitric acid solution that is 70.0% HNO3 contains how many moles of HNO3? how did you get the answer

You must not look at your posts. The original was answered hours ago.


is the answer 1.29888 moles?

To find the number of moles of HNO3 in the solution, we first need to calculate the mass of HNO3 in the sample.

Step 1: Convert the percentage concentration to a decimal: 70.0% = 0.700

Step 2: Multiply the mass of the sample by the decimal concentration to get the mass of HNO3:
Mass of HNO3 = 116.9 g × 0.700 = 81.83 g

Step 3: Determine the molar mass of HNO3. Nitric acid (HNO3) has a molar mass of:
1 atom of H (1.01 g/mol) + 1 atom of N (14.01 g/mol) + 3 atoms of O (16.00 g/mol) = 63.01 g/mol

Step 4: Calculate the number of moles of HNO3 by dividing the mass of HNO3 by the molar mass:
Number of moles = Mass of HNO3 / Molar mass of HNO3
Number of moles = 81.83 g / 63.01 g/mol

Using a calculator, we find that the number of moles of HNO3 in the 116.9 g sample is approximately 1.299 moles.