what is an inverse relationship? explain the relationship between the density of a planet and the distance the planet is from the sun

"what is an inverse relationship? explain the relationship between the density of a planet and the distance the planet is from the sun."

the answer

A relationship between two numbers in which an increase in the value of one number results in a decrease in the value of the other number.


ill let you answer this part.

thank you!

You're welcome! In the case of the relationship between the density of a planet and its distance from the sun, it is considered to be an inverse relationship. This means that as the distance from the sun increases, the density of the planet decreases, and vice versa.

To understand this relationship, we can look at how gravity influences the density of a planet. Gravity is stronger when objects are closer together, so as a planet gets closer to the sun, the gravitational force it experiences becomes stronger. This gravitational force can compress the planet, making it more dense.

On the other hand, as a planet moves farther away from the sun, the gravitational force it experiences decreases. With less force acting on the planet, it can expand and become less dense.

To further understand this relationship, you can gather data on various planets in our solar system, such as their distances from the sun and their densities. By comparing the data, you would be able to observe that as the distance from the sun increases, the densities of the planets decrease, indicating an inverse relationship between these two factors.