I solved one of these sigma notations and had Reiny check it in an earlier post but this one totally befuddles me-

Which of the following terms would not be in the series generated by the expression: 5
Signma symbol (k^2-5k+2)

the choices are 2, -2, 4 or -4If you could even just provide a starting point- we are just learning this and I'm not doing too great right now-thank you but I'm trying

the 5 should be on top then the signma symbol in middle and the k=2 on the bottom with the equation (k^2 -5k+2) to the right of all of it

It simply means subbing in k=2, k=3 ... k=5 into the expression and adding up the results

that is.

= (2^2 - 5(2) + 2) + (3^2 - 5(3) + 2) + ... + (5^2 - 5(5) + 2)
= -4 + (-4) + (-2) + 2

I can see why you would be confused, since none of your choices are NOT a term generated by the expression.
Misprint in the question?
Question is faulty?

No the way I typed is is the way it is written--

5 on top, sigma symbol in middle and k=2 on bottom with the equation (k^2-5k+2) to the right and the answers are possible:
4, -4, 2, -2
I'm not sure if I see (4) used above when you substituuted-is that the one not generated??

of course!

You are right, I guess I can't read my own typing

4 is it!

Thank you

To determine which term would not be in the series generated by the expression, we need to evaluate the given expression for each value of k and observe the resulting terms.

Let's start by evaluating the expression for k = 2:

Expression = (k^2 - 5k + 2)
= (2^2 - 5(2) + 2)
= (4 - 10 + 2)
= -4

So, the term for k = 2 is -4.

Now let's evaluate the expression for k = 3:

Expression = (k^2 - 5k + 2)
= (3^2 - 5(3) + 2)
= (9 - 15 + 2)
= -4

The term for k = 3 is also -4.

We can continue this process for the remaining values of k, but we notice a pattern. The resulting term for each value of k is -4. Therefore, -4 would be the only term in the series generated by the expression.

The answer is -4.