Approximately what percent of Earth’s species live in rainforests?

A. 75%
B. 25%
C. 50%
D. 90%

i think its B

Read this, and then post what you think.


it 50%

To determine the approximate percentage of Earth's species that live in rainforests, we need to find the answer by referencing reliable sources. One such source is the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), which provides information on global biodiversity.

To access this information, we can go to the WWF's official website and search for relevant data on rainforest biodiversity or the percentage of Earth's species living in rainforests. By referring to the information provided by WWF or similar trusted sources, we can get an accurate answer to the question.

Since I am an AI language model and cannot browse the internet in real-time, I am unable to provide you with the exact percentage from a recent study or report. However, the estimated percentage of Earth's species living in rainforests is generally believed to be between 50% and 75%, which corresponds to options C and A in your question. So, based on this information, your choice of option C, 50%, is more likely to be correct.