These four religions have some similarities but are very different in their beliefs and their cultural differences to society. Christianity is one of the largest religious groups in politics but and also is the biggest religious group in the world. Christians are influential when it comes to society. Christians are trying to ban marriage, and support teaching abstinence in schools. Catholicism although very similar to Christianity also have their on beliefs and affects on society. Catholics believe that society now a day should be organized around the principle of human dignity. The Catholic Church has been strongly criticized with most of their major political and economic ideologies of the modern world, including capitalism, socialism, and communism based on their lack of respect for the worth of the individual. Islamic Faith is known for political. The Islamic faith often tries to convert African American youth into following their own morals, they also try to teach society how to view the world different not enforcing but simply trying to teach their faith. Now days, you’ll often see more of those youths practicing the Muslim faith. The way agnosticism effects society is they upset almost every other religion in all senses of the word politically, spiritually and religiously. Agnostics do not believe if God really exists, they are still questioning God’s existence. Few Politicians that are atheists won’t come to light with their religion because it would be political suicide because the religion gets discriminated against for being non-believers.

1. "but and also" = make up your mind as to "but" OR "also" but not both!

2. aomw commas in "Catholicism, although very similar to Christianity, also has (singular, not plural subjectP its own..."

3. "now a day" = nowadays

It will be easier on my eyes to just copy what you have, correcting it as I go and explaining (in parentheses) why.

The Catholic Church has been strongly criticized with most of their major political and economic ideologies of the modern world, including capitalism, socialism, and communism based on their lack of respect for the worth of the individual. Islamic Faith is known for the (add a word) political. The Islamic faith often tries to convert African American youth into following their own morals, (and) = (for a complex sentence)they also try to teach society how to view the world different(ly = adverb) not enforcing but simply trying to teach their faith. Nowadays, (one word) you’ll often see more of those youths practicing the Muslim faith. The way agnosticism affects (affects vs. effects) society is they upset almost every other religion in all senses of the word politically, spiritually and religiously. Agnostics do not believe that (not if) God really exists; (run-on sentence) they are still questioning God’s existence. Few Politicians that are atheists won’t come to light with their religion because it would be political suicide as (to avoid two because's) the religion gets discriminated against for being non-believers.


It seems like you are discussing Christianity, Catholicism, Islam, and Agnosticism and their effects on society. While it's true that these religions have similarities and differences, it's important to note that the beliefs and actions of individuals within these religions can vary. Let's break down the information and address each point:

1. Christianity: It is one of the largest religious groups in politics and the world. Christians, as a collective, can have influence in society due to their numbers. However, it's important to clarify that not all Christians share the same beliefs and values, and their views on social issues like same-sex marriage and sex education can differ.

2. Catholicism: While Catholicism falls under the umbrella of Christianity, it has its own distinct beliefs and practices. The Catholic Church promotes ideas such as human dignity and criticizes certain political and economic ideologies. Again, it's worth stating that there can be variations in how individuals practice and interpret their faith.

3. Islam: Islam is often associated with political activism, as some followers try to spread their faith and encourage different perspectives. You mentioned the African American community being targeted, but it's important to avoid generalizations about a whole religious group's aims or strategies.

4. Agnosticism: Agnostics do not hold a strong belief in God's existence and continually question it. Agnostics can have different effects on society as they may challenge religious beliefs and practices. However, it's crucial to remember that not all agnostics share the same views, and their impact can vary.

Regarding politicians and atheism, it is true that some politicians may choose to keep their atheism concealed due to potential discrimination or negative public perception. It is essential to respect individuals' freedom of religion or lack thereof.

Remember, while discussing religions and their impact on society, it is important to consider the vast diversity of followers within each religion, as well as the potential for individual interpretations and actions.