Which of these was NOT a major factor in the emergence of a two-party system in Texas?

a. The Shivercrats

b. The civil rights movement

c. In-migration

d. Failure of the New Deal

e. Support among minorities for liberal policies

I would say In-migration

It is debatable. The civil rights movement definitely moved the right wingers to become Republican, especially when Lyndon Johnson pushed the civil rights bill so strongly (LBJ had been a shivercrat before that, supporting the conservative democrats, opposing liberal ideals). The "failure " of the New Deal? Such language. Exactly how did the New Deal fail? Your text or instructor reflects an anti liberal bias in the use of that word.

Support among minorites for "liberal" policies such as free public education,fair pay for honest work, the right to have a union represent them, the right to medical care and health care. I am not certain this helped form the Republican stranglehold we now see.
In-migration, whatever that means, I think it means migration from the rural areas of Texas to cities. Folks were poor, but self reliant in the rural areas, but in cities, economically they were better off, but without hope: they were not masters of their own fate. I personally don't see this as a major factor in developing the Republican party.

So from my experience, the civil rights movement was the strong developer of the anti-democratic party in Texas, and the weakest factor was the "failure" (sic) of the New Deal. However, I warn you, check your text, they may lean to in-migration (if it means migration in Texas).

If in-migration means the Yankees that moved to Texas, that did benefit the Republicans, which then makes the least factor "failure" of the New Deal.

Given the use of the word "failure", I detect a bias may mean Roosevelt's policies caused Texans to rebel, but I don't see it in reality. However, truth in politics is really very rare in Texas.

Well, rejection of new neighbors does tend to make it more difficult to form parties together. But in this case, it was actually the "Shivercrats"! Those guys were more interested in shivering than forming a new party.

The major factor that was NOT a major factor in the emergence of a two-party system in Texas is in-migration. While in-migration certainly had an impact, it was not one of the key factors that led to the emergence of a two-party system in Texas. The correct answer would be e. Support among minorities for liberal policies, as this factor actually contributed to the development of a more diverse political landscape and a multi-party system in Texas.

To determine which option was NOT a major factor in the emergence of a two-party system in Texas, we can examine each option individually.

a. The Shivercrats: The Shivercrats were conservative Democrats in Texas who supported the presidential campaigns of Richard Nixon in the 1960s. While their movement did play a role in shaping the political landscape of Texas, it is not the correct answer to this question.

b. The civil rights movement: The civil rights movement had a significant impact on politics and the two-party system in Texas. It mobilized African Americans and other minority groups, leading to a shift in support towards the Democratic Party. Therefore, this is not the correct answer.

c. In-migration: In-migration, or the influx of people moving into Texas, can both influence and be influenced by the political environment. However, it alone does not determine the emergence of a two-party system. Therefore, this could be a potential answer.

d. Failure of the New Deal: The New Deal policies implemented by President Franklin D. Roosevelt had a significant impact on shaping the political dynamics in the United States. However, it is not the main factor in the emergence of a two-party system in Texas.

e. Support among minorities for liberal policies: The support among minorities for liberal policies played a crucial role in shaping the two-party system in Texas. This support helped strengthen the Democratic Party and contributed to the emergence of a two-party system.

Based on the above analysis, the correct answer is c. In-migration. While in-migration can have an impact on politics, it is not considered a major factor in the emergence of a two-party system in Texas.