How do I find the next number in the patter, 5,11,29,83,245 ?

I think it's 454, but not sure how to figure it

i think the next number is 731 too. However my way of doing it is by multipling 3 to the number and substract by 4. So 245*3 is 735 and 735-4 is 731.

look at the differences between each number and the next

6 18 54 162
each difference is 3 times the one before it
so the next difference is 3 * 162
which is 486
so the next number is 245 + 486 = 731 I believe

What is the next term of 245

To find the next number in the pattern, let's first examine the differences between consecutive terms:

11 - 5 = 6
29 - 11 = 18
83 - 29 = 54
245 - 83 = 162

Notice that the differences between consecutive terms are themselves increasing in a pattern: 6, 18, 54, 162.

To find the next difference, we can continue this pattern by multiplying the last difference (162) by 3:

162 * 3 = 486

Now, let's find the next term by adding this difference to the last term:

245 + 486 = 731

Therefore, according to this pattern, the next number is 731. This means that your guess of 454 is incorrect.