A sixth form class consists of 6 girls and 9 boys. Three students from the class are chosen at random. The number of boys chosen is denoted by the random variable X. Show that


To solve this problem, we will use combinations.

First, let's calculate the total number of ways to choose 3 students out of 15 (6 girls + 9 boys):

Total number of ways = C(15, 3)

Now, let's calculate the number of ways to choose 3 students such that X = 0 (no boys are chosen).

Number of ways to choose 3 students without any boys= C(6, 3)
Since there are 6 girls, we choose all 3 of them.

Now, let's calculate the number of ways to choose 3 students such that X = 2 (2 boys are chosen).

Number of ways to choose 2 boys from 9= C(9, 2)
Number of ways to choose 1 girl from 6= C(6, 1)

Now, let's calculate the probabilities:

a) P(X = 0) = (Number of ways to choose 3 students without any boys) / (Total number of ways)
= C(6, 3) / C(15, 3)

b) P(X = 2) = (Number of ways to choose 2 boys and 1 girl) / (Total number of ways)
= (C(9, 2) * C(6, 1)) / C(15, 3)

Now let's calculate these probabilities:

a) P(X = 0) = (C(6, 3)) / (C(15, 3))
= (6! / (3! * (6 - 3)!)) / (15! / (3! * (15 - 3)!))
= (6 * 5 * 4 / (3 * 2 * 1)) / (15 * 14 * 13 / (3 * 2 * 1))
= 20 / 455
= 4 / 91
≈ 0.043956

We can simplify 4/91 by dividing both numerator and denominator by 4 to get 1/23.

Therefore, P(X = 0) ≈ 1/23 ≈ 0.043956.

b) P(X = 2) = ((C(9, 2) * C(6, 1)) / (C(15, 3))
= (9! / (2! * (9 - 2)!)) * (6! / (1! * (6 - 1)!)) / (15! / (3! * (15 - 3)!))
= (9 * 8 / (2 * 1)) * (6 / 1) / (15 * 14 * 13 / (3 * 2 * 1))
= (72 / 2) * 6 / (2730 / 6)
= (72 * 6 * 6) / 2730
= 1296 / 2730
= 48 / 101
≈ 0.475248

Therefore, P(X = 2) ≈ 48/101 ≈ 0.475248.

Hence, we have shown that
a) P(X = 0) = 120/2730
b) P(X = 2) ≈ 1296/2730.