which of the following is an example of a fragment? A) When Ted went to work, Bob went home. B) Although Ted went to work and Bob went home. C) Bob went to work although Ted went to work. D) Although Ted went to work, Bob went home.

I Think the answer is B.



The correct answer is D. Although Ted went to work, Bob went home.

Option B is a complete sentence because it includes both a subject (Ted) and a verb (went). A fragment is an incomplete sentence that does not express a complete thought. In option D, "Although Ted went to work" is a dependent clause and does not express a complete thought on its own. Therefore, it is an example of a fragment.

You are correct, option B is an example of a fragment. To identify a fragment, we need to look for incomplete sentences that are missing either a subject or a verb, or both.

In option B, "Although Ted went to work and Bob went home" is a dependent clause, as it begins with the subordinating conjunction "although." This clause cannot stand alone as a complete sentence because it lacks an independent clause to provide a complete thought. Therefore, option B is a fragment.

Option A, "When Ted went to work, Bob went home," is a complete sentence because it has both a subject ("Bob") and a verb ("went").

Option C, "Bob went to work although Ted went to work," is also a complete sentence as it has both a subject ("Bob") and a verb ("went").

Option D, "Although Ted went to work, Bob went home," is a complete sentence as it contains both a subject ("Bob") and a verb ("went").

Therefore, the only example of a fragment among the given options is B) Although Ted went to work and Bob went home.