hi is anyone here? Wanted to try out a topic

I'm here.

What topic do you want to try out?

I moved to the south I'm supposed to write about changes I'm thinking Yes ma'am or No ma'am? What do you think. It's expected here but not before

or does it sound dumb//?

No. It doesn't sound dumb! It's a good idea.

You might expand that idea to other ways that young people show respect for older people.

guess dumb

oh sorry i didn't see your response

what do u mean? forget about the maams and sirs and write about other stuff?

No. Stick with the central theme of Yes, ma'ams and sirs.

If you're writing a fictional short story, you may be able to allude to Emmet Till, an African American boy vacationing in the South, who did not show proper respect in 1955.


thanks miss sue i know i got a lot of yes whats? when i first got here lol


You're welcome.

Consider a friend of mine who moved here as a child from Korea. There, children were not supposed to look an adult in the eyes, but keep their eyes downcast. She had to learn to look teachers in the eyes here. :-)